Monday, 3 November 2014

Writing Dialogue

As I shuffled into the classroom, I knew that Mr. Van Camp would never believe me. I looked at my scuffed shoes and mumbled, " My homework is not done, Sir. I do have a good excuse though."

       " This is not the first time your homework has not been completed. Perhaps," Mr. Van Camp suggested, "it's time to speak with your parents."

       "Please, you have no idea what will happen to me if you phone my home," I moaned. It looked as if he was going to fall for my story.

      "Well, let's hear your excuse. It better be good."
"You see Mr.Van Camp" stated Harnish, "Friday was Halloween and what student does homework on Halloween?"

"Okay, but what about the other two days?" 

"Well, on Saturday I decided I wanted to be adventurous. So I drove to Kelowna and we adventured the outskirts of town." stated Harnish. 

"Okay, so I understand that Friday was Halloween and on Saturday you went on an adventure but you still had all of Sunday." 

Harnish sighed, "The thing is Mr. Van Camp, while on an adventure Saturday, my friend got bit by a snake. So, I spent all of Sunday with her in the hospital." 

"I am so sorry, Harnish." Mr. Van Camp stated, "I hope your friend is alright." 

"She's fine. She just needs a bit of rest." Harnish stated. 

"I'll let your homework slide this time, but if this happens again I will make sure to call your parents." 

Harnish sighed with relief, "Thank you sir, I will promise you this will never happen again!" 


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